This blog is usually for networking and professional use. However, I was recently diagnosed with Actinic Keratoses - precancerous lesions on my face. I didn't know there was anything wrong. I actually went to see my dermatologist for a completely different reason. I mentioned casually that I thought I had two tiny spots of psoriasis on my cheek and he diagnosed me at that time.
I figured my blog is a great way to share the photos of what I experienced during my three week course of treatment with Carac cream. I realize that there are many people out there in the same situation and would like to know what they are "in for" during this agressive and sometimes difficult and painful treatment.
During this treatment, I have not been able to do any group facilitation at all after about day 5. My face is just kind of shocking and disconcerting to others - but after three weeks of treatment, beginning to heal nicely.
I will begin to post photos this evening. Check back for updates...